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Inventory Management and 5 Reasons You Should Automate

Mary Layne

Inventory management may not seem particularly exciting, but what it can do for your business could very well blow your mind. In fact, installing inventory management software can make every aspect of your job easier and keep your operations running smoothly. This will save your company money and save you time. Here are just five ways that automating with warehouse management software can change the way you do business right now:

Reduce loss. Warehouse management software provides an automated tracker for everything in your warehouse. By using barcode or RFID technology, you can scan every package that comes in and have the software store where it goes. When your staff needs to pick it, the software remembers where to go, which reduces loss. Maintaining tight inventory management can also reduce the risk of employee theft. Simplify receipt of new inventory. Using computerized inventory solutions along with RFID tagged shipments can automate the delivery process. As new items leave the truck, your software senses them, audits the delivery, and tells you where to put them. Increase utilization of warehouse space. The efficiency that computerized inventory management systems offer can help you to more intelligently use your floor and warehouse space. At any time, the software can provide reports on where you have available space and help you plan deliveries accordingly. Improve delivery performance. Nothing gets delivered to your customers if your staff cannot pick it from your inventory for shipping. Having a tool tell them where everything is and, with RFID technology, confirm that it is actually there, not only saves their time but also lets them get product out the door faster. Businesses who install computerized inventory solutions can experience a 20 percent increase in their delivery performance. Reduce on-hand inventory. Being able to accept inventory more quickly, track it more accurately and ship it out correctly means that you can make do with less inventory on hand. Setting up an inventory management system could allow you to carry 50 percent less inventory at any time.

These five advantages just scratch the surface of what automating your inventory management can do for your business. Thanks to the availability of SaaS contracts for the software, you can also do it at much lower cost than you might expect. In fact, today's systems save you money and time, make your customers happier and cost relatively little compared to what they offer.

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