Publication Detail
The Importance of Logistics Professional Certification

Tenaka Budiman, Executive Board of ALI and Supply Chain Director

There are some of the opinion that logistics certification is not necessary because they feel that if a logistics worker has already worked for many years, then they should be considered an expert in their field. Some also think that certification would be worthless to them as their company would not give them additional support, appreciation or any other advantage as a result of being certified. But others feel that certification is important, because in this era of competitiveness and free trade, Indonesia needs to rank its workers by skill level so the most highly competent will be identified and recognized.

We need to realize that the competitiveness of our human resources lies in the competencies of knowledge, skill and attitude and official recognition for these competencies in advantageous. With certification, companies will hire Indonesians more readily because they will have reason to believe that the worker is recognized either nationally or internationally as an expert. Indeed, not all companies will accept recognition of competency from a professional that has no documentation to support it.

A couple of years ago, I was taking with my CEO and he said that is company was unique in giving more acknowledgement and appreciation to workers who display problem solving abilities and seek out solutions that help the company reach its goals rather than those with only certification. Still, professional certification remains the easiest way to command a higher salary even if the person has no problem solving ability. I was sad to hear that, but it is reality. According to him, although many people have certification of international standard, most have next to no real problem solving ability.

What we can learn from this is that workers who have professional certification must also possess competency and experience. So, it is better to work a while for a company before deciding to seek out professional certification as a confirmation of competence. Of course, a worker that is a true expert at his or her job and has their competence proven with certification will bring added value to the company that hires them because they will feel confident that this is indeed a proficient worker as they have been certified. This type of worker can also boost revenue because he or she is different from ordinary workers who do not have formally recognized expertise of national or international standard. That is why it is important that the certification is issued by a specialized agency of the government or a universally well respected private issuer.

Obtaining professional certification is not about just getting a piece of paper as a recognition of competence, it should stand as proof that one's expertise, ability, experience and competence have credibility. For example, if you had the choice of hiring an uncertified worker that only claims he or she is a competent forklift driver or a forklift driver that has certification, which one would you choose? Of course the letter, because you want to make sure that the forklift driver will operate the vehicle safely and be proficient in operating it.

Therefore, it's very important for us to focus on the development of the logistics industry's human resources. There are some notable factors that reflect the reasons why Indonesia still has low ability in this area:

1.    Limited number of competent candidates

2.    Lack of certification

3.    Lack of variety in overall knowledge

4.    Few experienced in working for multinational companies

The actions program in the human research section of the National Logistics Blue Print (source from: Indonesia Logistics Association (ALI), states:

Step 1 (2011 - 2015) Organize and implement an educational system for national logistics professional training an international standard.

Step 2 (2016 - 2020) Most logistics workers in Indonesia have national logistics certification and those that have international standard certification are from accredited institutions.

Step 3 (2021 - 2025) All logistics worker in Indonesia have a national logistics certificate and those that have international certification are from accredited institutions.

In support of this action program of human resources, the Indonesian Logistics Association (ALI) offer vocational program, like this ALI Certification/Vacational Program, though Sembada Pratama.

This certification program is designed to give logistics workers the knowledge that they need to be of national level certification. The government gives its full support to this development as in line with the master plan to increase the competitiveness of our logistics human resources. ALI, though Sembada Pratama, offers certification program in three levels, which are the operational level (CLIP), the managerial level (CSLP) and the strategic level (CSLM). Started just a few years ago, this action program to increase the skills of human resources in logistics in anticipation of ASEAN implementation and the ASEAN Frame Work Agreement on Services (AFAS).

An era of tighter competition will begin with the free movement of ASEAN members and local human resources will be forced to increase their knowledge and ability and each country will surely require the certification of its skilled laborers. The acknowledgment of profession people though this certification is important as it proves the qualification and competency of each logistics worker. Advantages to having certification are:

1.    The recognition of a worker's standardized national/international knowledge

2.    Increased knowledge and outlook leads to better managed logistics operations

3.    The ability to build a professional career and get the best quality job

So, by having this professional certification, it will give added value and not only just a new title behind your name.

If one reads the Thai Government's Capacity Building Strategies of Thailand Logistics Plan (2007 - 2011), it reveals that Thailand is very concerned about it logistics human resource development as it stresses the added value of professional certification.

Therefore, the development of national logistics human resources is necessary, especially in anticipation of the liberalization of the logistics sector under ASEAN. A proliferation of workers with educational degrees and vocational degrees must be part of comprehensive solution for the development of competency and expertise in national logistic human resources. Through cooperation between universities and associations, national professional certification could provide the logistics knowledge which is needed to enrich the country's logistics workforce.

Reference book: Indonesian Logistics Association


Logistics+ Vol. XI Issue No. 60

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